Overthinking: Therapy. “Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop.”

“Take that. Take that.” -P. Diddy or whatever he’s calling himself nowadays.

“Don’t call it a comeback!”…s/o LL Cool J. I can do these corny music references allllll dayyyyy longggg. Apologies on the overall silence. The mind has been out of order these last few months. But! We’re back, baby! Just like CM Punk! Who returned back to wrestling after being away from the sport the last 7 years. Only a select few are going to understand wtf I just said there. lol Anywaysssss. I recently celebrated my one year anniversary of going to therapy consistently. Yay me!!! It’s a pretty big deal.

I started going to therapy in my mid 20’s. I usually would stop going to sessions within two or three months of starting. Last August, I was broken, lost, & hurting. Thanks to a great friend who knew how deep things were getting for me, they took the time to look up therapists for me. All I needed to do was call and make an appointment. I did. This person knew I was not myself. I was just a shell at that point. I’m a pretty lucky girl who has a good set of folks around, that would do for you, as you would do for them. 💚

Here I stand. One year later.

On my last therapy session, my therapist…who btw, is THE EFFING BEST!! We connect on so many levels. She is constantly pushing me to be better. She helps me see things in ways that I never thought was possible. I know finding a therapist can feel like a chore at times. It legit feels like a Goldilocks scenario. lol
You really need to find one that not only listens to yammer on and on, but one that can fully understand you enough to properly guide you on this journey of mental health. You have to click with them on so many levels. As Goldi would say, they have to be “just right.” I’ve already followed my therapist from one online mental health company to another. I’ll follow her wherever she goes. Back to my original thought. The last session I had with her she asked, “Is this the last time we see each?” I gave her a weird look and asked back, “What do you mean? As in we have to stop the sessions or as in you think, I think, I’m cured and don’t need to see you anymore”? She goes, “Option B.” I laughed and said, “Yeaaaahhhh nooooooo. You’re stuck with me.” She went on to remind me of our first few sessions we had. “You cried through every session we had for the first few months.”, she says. I hit her with, “Yeah. I also haven’t had a single suicidal thought in months. Progress.” We continued to reflect on the last year. I’m for sure in a much better head space. I have much more peace, comfort, love for myself, and clarity.

Now that the creative part of my brain is starting to come back alive, I took a trip to Dollar Tree and picked up some notebooks and different stickers that resonated with me at that moment. I decided to dedicate one notebook solely for my sessions. I usually write all my notes on post it notes. Just picture a shit ton of post it notes, all over a desk, with incomplete and incoherent sentences that you need to deficer after every session. lol. Hot mess express, my friends. Oh! I even created my first ever vision board! I understood why people made vision boards, but I never felt the urge to make one. While I was decorating my therapy notebook, I suddenly got the urge to create one. I had a decent size cardboard laying around in my place. I took out my scissors, gluesticks, and old magazines. Put some BOPS on and got to work. The outcome was one badass vision board!!! The future is bright. I’m not going to show off my vision board here. You know…gotta keep the evil eyes away. lol

The whole point of this long post was to say, if you’re in therapy, I recommend you dedicate a notebook or journal just for your sessions. I’m sure there are people out there who already do this, but if you’re one of those that doesn’t, do it. 💚

2 Comments on “Overthinking: Therapy. “Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop.”

  1. I’m so proud of you! You make an effort to put yourself and your mental health first every day and it’s been awesome to see you blossoming. 💗

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